Success with Utility Warehouse

When we first started almost 12 years ago, there was little history for many of us within the industry and as Ed Ludbrook would put it, we were pioneers.

Taking the glory one week, and the flak the next.

That has all changed, since it is quite clear the people joining now have the following attributes:

Socially outgoing

Past/current experience of business

A real dream and need to do well

Plus a desire to take charge of their future

During the last two years, there has been a major influx of people from within the property sector:

Private Property Landlords – Letting Agents – Estate Agents – Mortgage Brokers – Insurance Brokers – Independent Financial Advisors – Builders – Electricians – Plumbers and so on,

and more recently the professionals have started arriving in their droves:

Solicitors – Accountants – Teachers/Lecturers

plus down the years, the newly and presently retired, those who have declining pensions or inadequate provision for later years.

 And of course the many from ethnic communities, who can see the opportunity from afar.

Most are working part time, topping up their income. For some the extra £200 to £300 per month is staving off poverty, for others, who are more serious are building substantial replacement incomes of £2,000 to £5,000 or more per month.

But it is not just the income ….. new friendships, company inventives with two car plans, awards and very importantly recognition for achieving success however small or large.

Too many employees are starved of recognition, and simply receiving a Well Done when they qualify their position is the first time in over 30 years that they have felt wanted.

If there is one thing that I really love about Utility Warehouse is the feeling of family, and it is perhaps a further reason as to why the company have become so successful.