Who has got my non geographic number?

Non Geographic numbers are hugely popular:

a great way of monitoring response to a campaign
a great way of controlling the number of calls received
a great way of distributing calls to multiple sites
a great way of making a one person business (or small company) look bigger

However, often the supplier of the number leaves the trade and at some point in the future the user is going to need to repoint that number ……… um, argh, how do I do that?

Quick check on Google – one million searches later, the business owner is still scratching their head and none the wiser.

Step in Combyne Group, since we have been providing the solution to this little challenge for many years.

Here’s the deal:

For single numbers the charge is £15

For up to four numbers the charge is £27.50

For five numbers and up to ten £40

More than ten numbers £50

If a result cannot be delivered, there is no charge.

Combyne Group is also able to supply new numbers in the range: 0800/0808/ 0844. 0845, 0870 and 0871 – please ask for details. Plus a number of other services too.

Combyne Group have become quite expert at tracking down these numbers.

You will be asked to pay on invoice and once payment has been received, the search will start.

Once successful you will receive an email with the details.

When contacting Combyne Group for this service, please supply the following:

Company or Individual Name
Email Address
Contact Number (mobile or landline)
Non Geographic number(s) being searched for

So first port of call is to send an email to laurence.lowne@combyne.co.uk with the details above, please? You will then be sent full details about how this works, the charges and the timescale to be expected.



0800 number brings extra business

An investment of just 75p a week could be the difference between success and failure when running an advertising campaign?

Research (by CiM and BT) proves that a response to advertising when using what is called a non-geographic number is up to 300% better than without.

It is also a great way of monitoring the effectiveness of a particular style of advert, since stats are provided in real time from just £4 a month.

To find out more or order yours, please use the contact tab opposite?